Welcome to the Klassical Creativity in Teaching!


I’m Blessing, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to Klassical Creativity in Teaching! Imagine a world where education isn’t just about facts and figures, but a vibrant canvas where creativity reigns supreme. That’s what we’re all about here.

As someone who wears many hats – a teacher, certified professional, and proud mom – I get it. I understand the juggling act of life, especially when it comes to shaping young minds(millennials).

My heart beats for fostering creativity in every aspect of teaching, learning, and the beautiful chaos of mom life. And let me tell you, those Mileposts 1 to 2 are my jam.

With years of experience under my belt, I’m here to share the secrets of classroom management, time-saving tips/hacks, curriculum crafting, and building inclusive spaces where every child feels seen and valued.

So, let’s embark on this journey together by sculpting a future where education is a celebration of individuality and every child’s potential is nurtured to the fullest.

Stay connected with Klassical Creativity in Teaching for a dose of inspiration, collaboration, and, of course, a sprinkle of magic.

Free Private Podcast!

The Confident Writer
System Series

In less than 90 minutes, you’ll learn quick and

easy ways that will transform your upper

elementary student’s writing.